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Meet Emma

“I advocate that the foundation for all dog training is a consistent, calm and fair relationship between dog and handler - ensuring a harmonious future for both."

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Emma has handled dogs for as long as she can remember. Dogs have always been a part of her life, from her father's working springer spaniels, to her family's chocolate labrador and her litters of healthy puppies, to her current dog Hildi - and the many dogs in between.  Known locally for her natural ability with animals, especially dogs, Emma has walked and handled local dogs for over 7 years now, as well as working at a rescue centre in Spain for a year, during her University placement.

Emma's previous dog walking and sitting business brought dogs all of shapes, sizes, breeds and temperaments - as Emma often took on the dogs which other walkers refused. With a proliferate success rate with "difficult" dogs (including those which had been failed by more experienced handlers, trainers and behaviourists), Emma relished ironing out their quirks whilst on their daily walks - encouraging consistent calm and obedient behaviour from all her walkers.

Emma continues her studies with the Cambridge Institute of Dog Behaviour and Training (CIDBT), specialising particularly in behavioural work in order to help provide owners with the tools to reform their dogs - especially concerning dog-on-dog and dog-on-human aggression. 

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Qualifications and Accreditations

CIDBT 5010
The Canine Behaviourist

CIDBT 5002
Dog on Dog Aggression

CIDBT 5003
Dog on Person Aggression


Fully Insured

Pet First Aid - 

DBS checked

Meet Hildi

This quote from Emma's tutor Ross McCarthy certainly proved to be a pertinent lesson to remember at times along Hildi and Emma's journey. Somewhat of a baptism of fire for Emma's first gundog, Hildi (or The Hildebeast) is Emma's own working black labrador.


Known to her friends for her beautiful looks, cheeky nature and a penchant for doing an exercise wrong just to show off to an audience, Hildi has taught Emma more about dogs and puppies than many others put together!


 Hildi now works with Emma as one of her stooge dogs - to help rehabilitate fearful and aggressive dogs, as a demo dog for recall bootcamp and often as a "real life distraction" of a high energy off lead dog.


Hildi has enhanced Emma's ability to empathise with dog owners, serving as a reminder that owning a dog is often challenging, emotional, but always educational. Emma wouldn't swap her for the world, and considers her a perfect assistant for her journey in the dog training world.

“We get the dogs we need, not the ones we want"


Get in Touch Today

Penn Street, Amersham, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom

077 357 956 02

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Get in Touch Today

Penn Street, Amersham, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom

077 357 956 02

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